SVH3 Run
Can'd Hash #53 Ghettoman's "End Of Days trail (part 1 of 2)"
Saturday, December 8, 2012, 10:00 am
: 150 Beach Road, Marina, CA
: Unknown

Who: Ghettoman!
What: CAN'd trail #53..."End of Days" trail (Part 1 of 2)!!!!
When: Saturday, 8 December 2012. Prelube at 1:30, Hares away @ 2:00
Where: Northwest corner of Wal-Mart parking lot, Marina, CA (150 Beach Road, Marina, CA)
Why: 'Tis the season be drunk and sweaty in public!! Especially since this will likely be last CAN'd trail before the end of the world. Come on out for an classic example of GMan trickery and treachery!! You will hope he's the first one to go after this...
How: Be on the winning team...represent who you think will end us all and perhaps they will spare your miserable little life!! Zombies? Robot Overlords? The Yellowstone Caldera finally going into bukkake mode??? And there are so many more potential decide! Trail is A-A' with Turkey/Eagle split. Both trails are dog friendly (Turkey trail is hoveround friendly).

- Ghettoman

Last updated over 11 years ago.