SVH3 Run
CAN'd Trail #54 "End of Days" trail
Saturday, December 22, 2012, 1:30 pm
: Mingo and Judson, Seaside, CA
: Unknown

CAN'd Trail #54 "End of Days" trail (Last CAN'd trail before the end of the world!)

Who: Mystery Hare! No, really!!

What: CAN'd trail #54..."End of Days" trail (Part 2 of 2)!!!!

When: Saturday, 22 December 2012. Prelube at 1:30, Hares away @ 2:00

Where: Northwest corner of Mingo and Judson, Seaside, CA

Why: Well, it looks like we are going to survive yet another prophesied apocalypse! What better way is there to celebrate than going on a drunken, sinful romp through the center of the CAN'd hash universe...Seaside!

How: Make it though the apocalypse unscathed?? Show off by wearing/bringing something on trail that represents your favorite sin! It's not like there are consequences for your soul....may as well live it up!

Trail is A-A with Turkey/Eagle split. Both trails are dog and stroller friendly. Bring warm clothes for the ending.

Last updated almost 12 years ago.