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Agnews Run
Rong Man Hole's Solar Festival of Beer!
Thursday, March 21, 2013, 6:30 pm
: 2577 Leghorn, Mountain View CA
: Unknown
Title: Rong Man Hole's Solar Festival of Beer
Location: 2577 Leghorn, Mountain View (in the parking lot behind the building)
Time: 6:30PM Thursday March 21st
Story: In the beginning, God created light and dark [Beers], and they were good. But then the beer drinkers sinned and woke up not knowing where their pants were, and it was good. And in the midst of her moral confusion (about whether it was her fault, for knowing that it was going to happen, being omniscient and all), God cast the Beer out of the garden of eden. Of course, the beer drinkers followed, and God was mildly upset. So God hid the Beers from the beer drinkers and hence was born the hash, for the beer drinkers ran after the Beer and did, on occasion, find it.
Description: An easy Agnews trail: 4 miles, no trail splits, dogs allowed, strollers might have some issues, no fences for once, as always bring id and cash and probably a flashlight. The trail has a surprising twist, so don't try to guess where it's going (or I'm just saying that to mess with your head). Expect special equinox down-down beers.
- Rong

Last updated over 2 years ago.