EBH3 Run #822
Sunday, April 28, 2013, 1:00 pm
: El Cerrito Recycling Center
: Dr Bombardier
It's time for another Dr Bombardier EBH3 run. The run will be Sunday April 28th, and starting at the beautiful and scenic El Cerrito Recycling Center


For this EBH3, we'll be defiling fine city of El Cerrito and it's parks with BEER QUEST. That's right, Dr.B. does all beer quest all the time now. If you don't know what it is, then come to next EBH3 and you will.

Also, the run is an A to A, and we may or may not have down-downs at Zydeco's place. The ononon will likely be at Elevation 66 10082 San Pablo Ave, El Cerrito, CA

For all, want that don't have a car (like me), this run is accessible from the BART.

Did I mention there will be running and drinking?

Dr B

Last updated over 2 years ago.