FCH3 Run #12a
Sunday, March 10, 2013, 1:00 pm
: Alamo Square (Scott & Grove)
: No Shit
: $5
: Fly Bar

This will be a pretty short run, for reals.


As some of you know, we lost an amazing SFH3 Hasher last year. Since Saturday is the Muff Snatcher Memorial Run, the Fog City Tyrantess and her Double Top Secret Co-GM feel it's only proper that all hash cash and any further donations will be going towards the Steve Ruddy Memorial Scholarship Fund at Golden Gate University.

What this means is:

Your $5 hash cash is going as a donation. Anything over $5 that you wish to donate will ALSO be going as a donation. 

Otherwise, you can expect the usual: a sh*tty trail, sh*tty circle, sh*tty beer and cheesy poofs (which are pretty sh*tty).



Last updated over 11 years ago.