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SVH3 Run
Party at Mossy's
Saturday, June 15, 2013, 3:00 pm
: Sylvan Park, Mountain View, CA
: Unknown
I haven't woken up to a house littered with passed out hashers in a while, so I'll set the next hash and we can party-on at Chateau Mossy.
Trail will be an A-to-A-prime ... about 7 miles of shiggy, trails, water, and streets with two beer checks. Dog friendly, not stroller friendly. And as always, newbie friendly. Bring your mom...uh, maybe not. But definitely bring your cute, single male friends (rowwwrrr).

Don't let the distance deter you. It's a Saturday. Don't be a turkey! It'll be easy. If there are enough slow walkers, we'll mark a walkers trail (or at least put the end location in your smartphone).

Start: Sylvan Park, Mountain View (
Time: 3pm.
Hash Cash: $5 for the trail and beer checks. Anyone sign up for beermeistering?
Hare: Mossy Patch and Just Mick (aka the unsuspecting newbie who needs to learn to hare).

On, on, on: Chateau Mossy, 501 Moorpark Way, #61
Bring beer to drink and beast to cook. I'll put together some sides (crackaroni salad, slaw, grilled fresh corn, and sundaes for dessert). And bring a CHANGE OF CLOTHES. If you want to shower, we'll hose you down in the carport. Plenty of crash space - including The Coop.

On, on to Saturday.
Mossy Patch

Last updated over 2 years ago.