SFH3 Run #1625
Monday, October 14, 2013, 6:15 pm
: The tail end of Shields St near Junipero Serra Blvd
: Bloqween
: $6
: Park 77 Bar

Hi honies, I’m baaaack!

Did you miss me?  Apparently, WYD missed both me and my trails so much that he insisted on signing me up to hare before I had even stepped off the plane from Sweden.  As in a week before, except he didn’t tell me right away.  Awweee, that’s so sweet!  Either that, or he’s really desperate — and looking at all the “Need hares” in the calendar, I’d say the latter. So people, shape up and do your duty!  Hare for your Daddy!  He needs you. The pack needs you.  Hell, I need you too. It’s either that, or I’ll have to hare again.  And you really don’t want that. Trust me. Or don’t and just come to Monday’s run to find out for yourselves.

It’s going to be Yet Another Attempt to Boldly Run Where No Hasher Has Run Before!*  And by that, I mean Park Merced.  Or Ingleside.  Or Daly City.  Who knows?  Not you, at least, not until you’ve found the trail.  It’s way far south in the boondocks, that’s all I can say. Virtually Silicon Valley, but still accessible with the M line, so you have no excuse for not showing up.  Only 23 min from Castro to the 19th Ave & Randolph stop. From there, it’s a short leg stretch to the run start at the tail end of Shields St (1099 Shields St if you need an address).  On-on-on is at the Park 77 Bar at 77 Cambon Dr with Papa John’s pizzas next door to satisfy your every craving.  Gypsies approved with beer pong tables, that says it all.

So be there, or be en fyrkant, as we say back home.


Cum & r*n.  Missed you all.


*) OK, not recently, at least.**
**) Although what do I know, I’ve been away since April so I don’t really have a clue where you’ve been, now do I.


Last updated almost 11 years ago.