EBH3 Run #847
Sunday, April 13, 2014, 1:00 pm
: EBH# #847 - Entrance to Wildcat at east end of Monte Cresta Avenue
: Just Danny & Thurston Bowel the Turd
A few updates: ) Eagles might want to bring a change of shoes. ) People with strollers should get a map from the hares before the r*n. ) The on-after will be going to a cook-out at Good Shit Lolly-Cock's. *Bring* something to drink OR to grill! On-after location: La Mansion De Lollicock 2827 Seminary Avenue Oaktown, CA 94605 ======================================================= Date: Sunday, April 13th, 2014 at 1 PM Location: Entrance to Wildcat Canyon Regional Park at east end of Monte Cresta Avenue Google Map for start: https://goo.gl/maps/Yj0D5 Details: - Co-hares: Just Danny and Thurston Bowel the Turd - Turkey and Eagle - Dog Friendly, iffy on strollers - Beer Check - No PO if you stay on trail. But, if you were smart, you'd wear long pants. But you're a hasher, QED: you're not smart. Lessons from a virgin hare ... When scouting a trail in the evening, it's best not to drop your car key somewhere on the trail. If you do, it's definitely not ideal to have done it when your significant other is overseas, and you've left everything (ID, cell phone, house keys, warm clothing) in your car. If you do, and, like me, end up spending the next few hours freezing your ass off while wearing short shorts on a barely lit street in Richmond, flagging down random passerbys asking to borrow their phone and whether you can warm up in their car, don't say you haven't been warned.

Last updated over 2 years ago.