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The return of Six O'Nine
Thursday, January 23, 2014, 6:30 pm
: 533 Coleman Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
: Unknown
Hare: Six O'Nine
Time: 6:30pm
Start: Navigate to Target at 533 Coleman Ave, San Jose, CA
Turn on Autumn St and go to the end to get to the parking area behind Target

It has come to my attention that... SQUIRREL!!!
Okay, I'm back.
It has come to my attention that I may, in a rare moment of beer-induced temporary dementia, have volunteered to hare this Thursday..
If that is in fact the case, and no one has had the sense to object or attempt to relieve the pack of this potential crime against Hashmanity,, then it may stand that your hare will indeed be Six O'Nine (a.k.a. Six of Nine, a.k.a. The Evil Corruptor).
So... is this thing happening?
Speak now or forever hold your penis...
Going once.. Going twice...
Aw, shit. Okay...

The start will be behind Target at the San Jose Market Center Mall at 533 Coleman Ave, San Jose, CA. Go to the end of Autumn St to get behind the Target.

I MAY have a tequila and tortilla check at my parents house, and I don't mind telling you that because most of you junior wanker folk are still too new to know where that is, and weren't around for the awesome checks I've done there in the past. And if you were there, you were probably too drunk and too old to remember where it was. Or, I might not do that.
And I suggest you tell your boss tomorrow that you'll be late to work on Friday. Or just take the day off.

Oh, and by the way, Virgin (a-hem, *cough, cough*) Just Mara, who's boobs you may remember from an October Mtn. View Hash, will be assisting me with this atrocity of a trail. She has no idea what she's doing, I barely have any idea what I'm doing, and you're probably pretty much fucked. But, hey, we'll make it fun with beer. And boobs... so bring a virgin that has boobs.

Oh, and I will have HashFish emblems and shirts available so bring CASH (5% service fee for credit card payments).


You're welcome.

Six O'Nine

408.306.0039 (in case you want to co-hare, transfer money to my account, purchase HashFish merchandise in advance, or buy me a liquid lunch)

Last updated over 2 years ago.