SFH3 Run
Steve Ruddy Memorial Run #2
Saturday, March 8, 2014, 11:00 am
: Pioneer Log Cabin, Golden Gate Park
: SFH3 All*Stars
: $20
: The Hearth
We had a very successful memorial run last year, with many runners, lots of beer and food, good times and most importantly lots of money raised for the Steve Ruddy Memorial Scholarship Fund!
We are once again scheduling the event close to Muff Snatcher's birthday (March 7) so it will be held on Saturday, March 8.  Hares will be birthday boys Who's Your Daddy and Straight To Hell (a big one!!!).
The Steve Ruddy Scholarship Fund was established in 2012 to honor Steve, who had just started taking classes again at Golden Gate University, in order to get his Masters Degree in Marketing.  He held off getting an education until he had raised his kids and so this scholarship is designed for adults with children who have decided to back to school. To date we have raised over $10,000!!

One of the recipients of last year's scholarship will be commencing this Spring!  She completed over 30 units last year, worked full time and ran her business part time (and she's a mom of a fifth grader and a college student!).   With all of that she still managed to make the dean's list.  She wrote to me that "I have not forgotten the wonderful gift of your husband's Memorial Scholarship and feel very lucky to have this assistance and encouragement from the Ruddy family.  Thank you very much".

Cost: $20 for beer and food and scholarship fund (any additional amount would be very much appreciated!!!).  Note that this is a potluck - the less this costs us to put on the more money goes to the fund.

Sign up on the Hash website!

Last updated over 10 years ago.