Agnews Run
FHAgnews #24 - Suck It Up Squirt
Thursday, June 19, 2014, 5:00 pm
: 108–168 N San Pedro St San Jose‎ CA‎ 95113 United States @37.337132784842, -121.89430547694
: Unknown

Here's the lowdown for tomorrows hash. Meet at San Pedro Square Market Bar. If not outside look for the hash inside. Hash start the normal 6:46. Don't need flash lights, dog and stroller friendly however this is a FHAC-U hash, short run and lots of bars.

If you park after six in the parking garage you can get your parking ticket validated inside the bar for free parking. If you come before 6, well you'll have to pay.

Trail is an A to A+, hint would be to park on the top floor of the parking garage.

On after back to San Pedro market bar or any of the dozen other places.


Hared by: Today is Monday, Drink 'n Squirt

Last updated over 10 years ago.