FCH3 Run
Friday, July 25, 2014, 6:30 pm
: The Trappist
: wHBO
: Free
: The Trappist

If you're like me and finding yourself exceedingly jealous of our fellow halfminds traipsing across Europe and suckling from the golden teet of Belgian Beer Barrels, then join Fog City H3 for a trip down Belgium way as we hash Downtown Oakland in search of Duvel, Dubbel and Hoppy Times.

THIS IS A HASH, not to be confused with a FMH3 pub crawl- bring yer drinkin'/runnin' shoes.

When: Friday, July 25 2014


Where: The Trappist; hare will aim to be in the Biergarten. 12th St BART is closest station.

Cost: $0/whatever you feel like paying for your beer

Bag Van: One sad excuse for an Audi will attempt to be parked nearby

Obligatory gif:

Last updated about 10 years ago.