Agnews Run
FHAgnews #53 - Fat Boys and Resolution Breakers
Thursday, January 8, 2015, 5:30 pm
: 37.377384, -122.030168
: Unknown

Where: Firehouse Grill start
What: 3.69-5mi Trail / Pub Crawl

It's been cold. The holidays got in the way. I had family in town. I was out of the area. I was feeling lazy. Not enough Beer. Did I mention it's been cold?

These are all excuses for not stepping up and haring FHAC-U. But 2015 is a new year, and while we may have already fucked up our first chance (1/1/2015) to start the FHAC-U off right, that doesn't mean we can't try again...

As luck would have it, and in place of someone else stepping up, Nothing Interesting will be taking the first trail of the New Year, and starting it off right. In a bar. We'll leave from there and I don't know, probably run around the train tracks, maybe pick up a coke habit. Because with all vice and sin we're giving up with our new years resolutions there is plenty of room for new flaws to make roost!

See you there at the usual hash start time (6:30)

Hared by: Nothing Interesting
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Last updated over 9 years ago.