FCH3 Run
Fog City Red Dress R*n
Saturday, September 19, 2015, 1:00 pm
: Sydney Walton Square, Front & Pacific
: wHole Blow Out
: $7
: tbd
: Patriot House (formerly the Holding Co.)

2nd Anal Fog City H3 RDR
Saturday, Sept 19 2015 - 1pm at Sidney G. Walton Square (Front St & Pacific Ave)Brunch 1130ish at Patriot House (2 Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA 94111)
$7 day-of covers patch, 2 on-trail drinkchecks, On In beers.

Donations to Stephen M. Ruddy Memorial Scholarship Fund: http://ggumagazine.com/?p=370

Saturday 9/19: start at 1pm at Sidney G. Walton Square
$7 day-of to cover patch and 2+ on-trail drink checks.

What you get:
* Fog City H3's famous boozy trail and short-n-shitty circle
* San Francisco Summer weather
* 2+ beerchecks (and most likely a PAYG Guerilla Beer Check, you drunkards.)
* Views
* Hills
* SF boys showing off their hill-toned legs in red dresses
* Boobies
* Shocked tourists
* Patches
* Saturday brunch pre-lube at Patriot House

Last updated about 9 years ago.