SFH3 Run #1742
The 3rd Not-So-Annual "RETURN OF GRASSY ASS" - Pardon the Turkeys - trail
Monday, November 23, 2015, 6:15 pm
: Moscone Playground, Chestnut at Buchanan
: Grassy Ass & Hoseblower
: $6
: Sierra Nevada Celebration
: Monoghan's
: tbd
: Do Her Well

Grassy Ass has been temporarily banned from San Diego for complaining about their consistently flat trails.  So that he may get his vertical fix, he has settled in SF for a few days.  With minimal ass-istance from hoseblower, Grassy will provide a trail with all the usual promises (lies) including splits on trail along with a booze check or two or...???

In celebration of the week for Turkeys, there will be no Eagles on trail. Splits on trail will get you to booze checks - to fully appreciate the booze checks, if you go left at the first split, you will want to go right at the next split or right first, then left.  There is no advantage to choosing left or right at the first split (it's all about the turkeys!).  If half minds are together in groups at the first split, we recommend half go left and half go right - this will get everyone through the booze checks and back for awaiting orange food and Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale beer more or less as a group.

Our little planet would appreciate if you carry a vessel for alcohol on trail, or at least carry cups provided at first booze check to the next booze check - earth thanks you!


Last updated almost 9 years ago.