SFH3 Run #1750
Monday, January 11, 2016, 6:15 pm
: West Portal Playground, by Lenox & Verdun
: Bloke Ween
: $6
: Speakeasy Payback Porter
: The Philosophers Club
: Do Her Well

The skies have cleared up,¹ the sun is shining,² the keg is full; it's time to go hashing again!

Please join recently reimported hare BloSomething on his guaranteed best trail of 2016³ and help him drink some of that delicious Speakeasy Payback Porter before his poor, abused liver throws in the towel. There is easy access to the run start at West Portal Playground⁴ with pretty much every MUNI letter line that you can throw a dictionary at,⁵ so you simply have no excuse not to go.

Watch Who's Your Daddy solve every check on the first try. See "Ser" Titty Boo-Boo always shortcut in the right direction. Enjoy Muff Daddy's safe escort through the crime ridden streets. As always, trail will be short, flat, and scenic, and of course very, very straight⁶ -- everything to make your hashing experience so much more pleasant and relaxing.

On-After will be had at the venerable Philosopher's Club, where you're all welcome to vent your frustration of the evening's previous proceedings over a another pint or three.

See you there, or see you somewhere else.


¹ Over East Bay.
² Above the clouds.
³ And worst.
⁴ By Lenux & Verdun Way.
⁵ Except for J and N. Don't take those. Or F, don't take that one either. Unless you really enjoy old street cars from a century ago. Then do take F, just don't forget to change at Castro Station on the way.
⁶ Your mileage may vary. Some discrepancies may be experienced. Offer not valid on Mondays, in the city of San Francisco, or to people with a birthdate.

Last updated over 8 years ago.