EBH3 Run #892
Sunday, January 3, 2016, 1:00 pm
: Grandpa FREDs HOUSE in 665 37th Street, Richmond
: Butt Plug FRED
IMPORTANT -- Note DETAILS section below -- IMPORTANT

Start at FRED's house and end there: A to A. (6 to 7.5 miles)

Start at the El Cerrito Home Depot parking lot on San Pablo Ave., (Garden Center side lot) and go B to B, (4 to 5.5 miles). Turkeys will then drive to FRED's house for down-downs. Trails merge.
For virgins, someone will be at both locations for a chalk talk.

FRED's house is at the intersection of 37th and Cerrito Ave., (white Tundra directly in front of house).
Park anywhere along 37th or Cerrito. Should be plenty of parking to be had without blocking anyone's driveway.

Everyone will please leave their guns and shoes by the front door! If you are clumsy, don't pick up anything delicate. If you break it, you own it! Wait, that's only in a store, isn't it? OK, I will think of some more suitable punishment later. Thurston Bowel the Turd will handle any and all complaints.

Last updated over 2 years ago.