EBH3 Run #899
Sunday, April 10, 2016, 1:00 pm
: Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve (Main Entrance)
: Tuna on Top & Bitch On The Side
- This trail has it all! Old Volcanoes! Hidden Labyrinths! Wildflowers! Amazing views of Mt. Diablo, Mt. Tam, San Francisco and the Bay! Cows! Dogs! Shiggy! Virgin trails! And Beer!
- Turkey, Eagle and Walker Trails! (Only the walker trail is jog-stroller friendly.)
- Dog-friendly (but carry a leash on trail)
- We recommend that you wear long pants/tights due to abundance of PO and prickly stuff at this time of year. Hares have Technu available in case you are stupid or illiterate or both.
- Parking: Parking lot gets full quickly, so you may have to park along the side of the road (Skyline).
- Beer Check yes. Beer, Water, Snacks, yes.
- $5 gets you all of this and the punishment of your choice. Virgins free.
- On-On-On (likely at Barclay's Pub, 5940 College Ave, Oakland, CA http://www.barclayspub.com/
- BART: Closest BART is Rockridge (http://www.bart.gov), but you will need to bring a bike or get a ride to go up the hill to Skyline.
- Carpools (recommended) - post in your local group if you need or can give people a ride.
- Friends welcome
- Questions? Email Ellen/BOTS at PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOnJ1bl9hbm9uQHlhaG9vLmNvbSI+cnVuX2Fub25AeWFob28uY29tPC9hPg== no later than 4/09

Last updated over 2 years ago.