Agnews Run
FHAgnews #118 - Whip it out!
Thursday, April 7, 2016, 6:30 pm
: 37.319454064075, -121.86289429665
: Unknown


Whip it out at the ball game
Whip it out at the crowd
Dip it in peanuts and Cracker Jacks
I don't care if you give it a whack!
For it's beat your meat at the ball game
If you don't come it's a shame
For it's One, Two, you're covered in goo
At the old ball game!

It's that time of year again! San Jose Giants season has started, and due to negotiations between Hash Mismanagement and the SJ Giants board, we have made sure that the opening game is scheduled on Thursday, and that there are free tickets available.

Tickets are FREE if you go to a State Farm, or have the State Farm app installed on your phone --

Start time of the short trail will be in the stadium parking lot (see map dot) at 6pm so we can make the first pitch at 7pm. Look for the Subaru with BVN plates.

Hared by: Nothing Interesting

Last updated over 8 years ago.