SFH3 Run #1155
Monday, June 20, 2005, 6:15 pm
: Sloat and Great Hwy. On the beach side there's a p
: Rocky Mountain Oyster
: $6

public transit, take the "L" and get off at the Zoo stop


A BOTANICAL EXCURSION TO SLOAT BOULEVARD BEACH PARKING AREA with Professor R. M. Oyster, Associate Curator of Botanical Collections Monday, June 20, 6:15 to 9:00 pm members free, nonmembers $5 includes snack, beverage). Join this private beach tour in the beautiful parking area reserve, where we will spend an evening exploring and learning about coastal natives that thrive in fog, wind and salt. Professor Oyster will also introduce us to some of his nearby neighbor's gardens.

A graduate of the prestigious West Portal School of Horticulture, Dr. Oyster has extensive knowledge of the locally rare and distinct flora of the Sloat Boulevard beach parking area. Recently named Herbarian of the Week by the San Francisco Herb House Harrowers, Dr. Oyster is noted for his unorthodox touring methodology and raffish, whoreson demeanor. Casual attire, a Jepson Manual and magnifying glass recommended. Late-comers are advised to follow the single chalk "arrow" in the main parking.

Last updated about 1 year ago.