FCH3 Run
Fog City Groundhog Day Tu Tu Run
Saturday, February 2, 2019, 2:00 pm
: Pilsner Inn
: Round Robin
: $7

Cum celebrate one of the best holidays and one of the best Bill Murray movies with Fog City H3 and a very special trail guaranteed to satisfy those who like to run a lot, those who like to run a little, and those who just want to have a few drinks. Groundhog Day is also 2/2, so as is tradition, bring your tutus.

This is San Francisco so there's a solid chance that the trail is gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you the rest of your life. (but seriously, as I write this the forecast is for 20-30mph winds and showers, so plan accordingly)

Here's how it works:

We'll all meet up at the first bar and then we'll recruit a sucker ... I mean volunteer to live hare a trail. We'll do a short and shitty opening circle that starts with blessing the hare(s) and sending them away roughly 10 minutes before the pack is away. The hare(s) will lay an A->A (or A-prime) that ends up back at either the same bar or a nearby bar.

Then ... once the pack is back together in the bar, we'll recruit a sucker ... I mean volunteer to live hare a trail. We'll do a short and shitty opening circle that starts with blessing the hare(s) and sending them away roughly 10 minutes before the pack is away. The hare(s) will lay an A->A (or A-prime) that ends up back at either the same bar or a nearby bar.

Then ... once the pack is back together in the bar, we'll recruit a sucker ... I mean volunteer to live hare a trail. We'll do a short and shitty opening circle that starts with blessing the hare(s) and sending them away roughly 10 minutes before the pack is away. The hare(s) will lay an A->A (or A-prime) that ends up back at either the same bar or a nearby bar.

Then ... once the pack is back together in the bar ... I think you get where we're going with this.

When/if we run out of willing hares/pack, we might do a closing circle if anyone is sober enough to talk.


Q: How much is hash cash?
A: Since we'll be doing multiple circles, we're asking $7/each for hash cash. That cash will be used to buy beers for circle and as is Fog City tradition any leftover cash will go to the charity of the hares' choice. You're on your own for beers outside of circle. If we run out of hash cash to buy down down beer, we'll either ask for volunteers to chip in or you can sip on your own beer.

Q: How many iterations/trails are we gonna do?
A: Wouldn't you like to know ... probably somewhere between 2 and 20.

Q: How are we going to make sure we don't get the trails confused?
A: We'll have different colors of chalk for each loop, we also encourage each hare to sign their arrows with their initial or another distinguishing mark. We also encourage the pack to sign their pack arrows with the number of the trail, so that people in the back don't confuse arrows from trail 2 with arrows from trail 1, etc.

Q: Do I have to run every iteration of trail?
A: No, you can run all the trails, skip a few, stop after your first trail, it's up to you. Or you can just bar crawl if you want.

Q: Will there be bar crawl hares/other bars?
A: Absolutely. Bar crawl hares and runner hares will coordinate on the destinations of both trails.

Q: Can I hare?
A: Absolutely. Even if its your first time, this is a great opportunity for live haring since you can make your trail as short/long as you want (within reason, see below)

Q: Can I hare a 6 mile trail?
A: Probably not the best idea, but if you want to hare four 1.5 mile trails I'm not going to stop you. Ideally we'll keep each "loop" of the trail around 20-30 minutes with 10 minutes back at the bar for beers and a short and shitty circle and to reform (and BEER!). However don't fret running fans. We're encouraging hares to use lots of false trails, back checks, YBFs and other fuckery so that the folks in the front of the pack can put in anywhere between 150 and 200% of the straight-line distance. Remember, a quarter mile back check adds a half a mile to trail for the FRBs.

Q: Can I join trail late?
A: Sure, we'll update the facebook page with every bar location.

Last updated over 5 years ago.