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SVH3 Run #1079
Koala's not a bear hash!
Saturday, February 16, 2019, 1:00 pm
: 37.5034526935771, -122.462976517733
: Back Door Boys
Take 280 north and then 92 west. Drive by all the Italian garden centers that should be growing cannabis, then go north on 1. There's a good sized lot for parking. You'll want to stay in your car until the group arrives, though, since koala's can be vicious when newcomers enter their territory. Place is called quarry park.
First ever (to my knowledge) koala's not a bear hash! We will be going through a vast eucalyptus forest with views of miles of pristine coast at the top. Bring your koala outfits, koala wrangling gear, and your chlamydia vaccines! Trial will be 5-7 miles long, have a couple beer quests/checks, and is mostly dog friendly. Lots of poison ivy, so you'll want to wear your shiggy socks if you are allergic. It's my first time haring, so I'm sure it will go perfectly smoothly.


Last updated 3 months ago.