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FHAC-U Run #381
Back Door Tour #3 - Redwood City Romp
Thursday, July 18, 2019, 6:30 pm
: 37.4934158751364, -122.224836191012
: Back Door Boys
UPDATED - Start is at Big 5 Sporting Goods parking lot in Redwood City.
Redwood City shitty trail. It will be about 2.69-3.69 miles. Probably you will get lost. I take no responsibility for anything. There will be food somewhere somehow. Maybe even dumplings...

There may also be karaoke, if the crowd is into it. N.I., I'm looking in your direction...

Bring a flashlight! Probably dog friendly, if they don't mind getting dirty.

There will be dumplings.

Last updated 3 months ago.