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FHAC-U Run #387
Jiggles, Giggles, & Fudgsicles
Thursday, October 10, 2019, 6:30 pm
: 37.3044809, -121.9089998
: Yellow Prick Load
Park on Willow Street and look for Jigglers. Have issues finding the place call/text (408) 471-7710
Hash Hash - Start: Willow Street Frank Bramhall Park.
Wear Hash Gear (Shirts, Happy Coats, any hash gear you want) No gear? No problem. Wear whatever makes you happy. Come out for Jiggles, Giggles, & Fudgsicles (Getcho Fat On),
A to A urban movement, Beer of course, Beer Check, Pong, Foods, Warriors/Sharks/AstrosVRays Final, Bring ID as usual. BYOL (Who knows what PG&E will do), FRB unfriendly. DFL's Rule!
On On On: Cool options it goes that route. Show up and see what happens.

5:30 Prelube: Goosetown Lounge: In Willow Glen (.6 from the start)
1072 Lincoln Ave
San Jose, CA 95125
History: A long time ago this neighborhood was referred to as Goosetown. Back in that day, the residents would catch migrating Canadian geese and clip their wings to keep ’em around for holiday dinners; not as guests though. And the founders of the currently 4-0 SF 49'ers were Goosetown residents where they put together the plan for the team.

Last updated 3 months ago.