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FHAC-U Run #392
FHAC-U Umteenth XMAS Bash
Thursday, December 19, 2019, 6:30 pm
: 37.2198707, -121.9763237
: Today is Monday, Worm
Hopefully you know where to go by now ;)
Park on villa.
Plan for traffic.

real address- 148 Villa ave, Los Gatos.

An easy romp through the lights of Los Gatos hared by TIM and crew.
Dress to impress!
Hash will provide the main course - honey spiral ham. plenty of shrooms growing in the hills for veggies.
For sides, by hash name -
A-F. Appetizers
G-M Sides like salad or fruit
N-S Sides like veggies or bread
T-Z. Desserts
Bring a very tacky gift to exchange.
Crash space next door if you over indulge.

Last updated 3 months ago.