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SVH3 Run #1104
Back Door Tour #4 - Mushroom Hunt Trail
Saturday, January 18, 2020, 1:00 pm
: 37.3645038769124, -122.215599417686
: Back Door Boys
Park at trail head in lot or on the side road. This is same start point as a trail done by Dick First, but hopefully won't be as confusing.
It's rainy season again and that means... Mushrooms! See how many different kinds of mushrooms you can spot on trail. There will be a prize for whoever takes pictures of the most different kinds of mushrooms! Note: mosses and lichen don't count, but slime molds do!

There will be a beer stop and possibly a liquor quest. 4.69 miles for the turkey, longer for the eagle. It's gonna be muddy and slippery in spots, so be careful and come prepared.

PS - Still fuck Palo Alto.

Last updated 3 months ago.