SFH3 Run SnoBall
Fog City Santacon/Snoball prelube trail
Saturday, December 7, 2019, 1:00 pm
: Southern Pacific Brewing
: Five Angry Inches, I'm Drunk, Squeal For Me, Cream Throat Willie
: Free
: Snoball!

Snoball is the same day as Santacon this year, so Fog City is turning its anal "The Other Santas Suck!" bar crawl into a prelube trail. There will be a turkey and an eagle for r*nners, and a pub crawl/ walker's option as well. This is a pay-as-you-go trail, all drink stops will be at bars.


Gather/brunch: 1PM

Hares off: 1:30

Pack off: 1:45-2

Trail is A to B, no bag van.  If you're planning to r*n either leave time to go home and change, or bring your santa suit with you. Snoball opens at 6pm

Last updated almost 5 years ago.