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Agnews Run #411
Agnews Virtual Trail
Thursday, April 2, 2020, 6:45 pm
: Ramrod

Create an account / download zoom and have it ready to go beforehand. There are both desktop and mobile versions.

The web version has limited functions, so recommend you actually download the app.

Ramrod will host a virtual trail for Agnews this Thursday! We will have a Zoom (conferencing app) link posted to allow anyone to join that wants to attend from the comfort of wherever they currently live.

Join us on Zoom at 6:30, with the pack away at 7:00, to do whatever trail you want. Run 10 miles, or walk 10 yards, it's up to your own athletic ability and imagination on what you'd like to do.

Circle will start (on Zoom again) at 8:00, so just insure you are back and you have a beverage ready for down downs. Just because we're socially distant doesn't mean we still can't share tales from trail, or the home, or whatever.

Last updated 3 months ago.