Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 6:30 pm
: Arthur Mac’s
: 30 Grit
: Free
For all of those recovering Catholics out there, this Wednesday the WEENIES and the BARH3 will be teaming up for a very special edition holy procession in honor of:
hAsh Wednesday
Come eat of the wafers and drink of the white zinfandel as we dodge the lightening bolts and hellfire through the streets and churches of Oakland in preparation for 40 days and 40 nights of fasting and abstinence!  
Contemplate and repent your many transgressions in your best pope hat, cowl, or habit if that's something you're into.
WHERE:  Arthur Mac's
BART: MacArthur (follow the flour)
TIME: 6:30
Trail will be in the 7-8 mile range.
There will be a beer check.
Bring cash, ID, and ALL YOUR GUILT.


Dina aka 30 Grit

Last updated over 4 years ago.