BARH3 Run #298
Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 6:30 pm
: Lake Merritt, Perkins at Bellevue
: Pick-Up Hash
: Free
: On On the Lawn adjacent to the start
: none. or tailgate!
While best pubs are still closed and the nicest single tracks are still over*run* with desperadoes, the Rabble and WEENIES will once again take to the streets.  This week will find us in uptown Oakland on the bucolic northern shore of Lake Merritt.  There should be parking on Perkins or Bellevue or Grand.  Look for the trail to start at Perkins/Bellevue.
As the One Who Abets Sin said last week, trail will be about 6-ish miles.  Start any time after 5:30pm.
This will be a collab with the WEENIES. There might be a turkey trail option, for those of you who may not want the full "6-ish" miles.
On On on the lawn adjacent to the start.  BYOB, of course.  Maybe bring a chair or cooler to sit on.  See you there!  From a discreet distance, of course.


Last updated over 4 years ago.