SFH3 Run #1998
Monday, September 7, 2020, 6:15 pm
: Golden Gate Park, 9th and MLK
: Do Her Well

Hares will set out at 4PM and hounds can take off around 4:30 PM to give lots of leeway to their out of shape hares. Please run socially distanced with masks in accordance with SF laws. Expect lots of trail and use of witchy-ways (bifurcated penises arrows, you need only one mark to be on). There may or may not be beer on trail, again please limit gathering, keep masks up if not drinking, and staying seated helps a ton to prevent accidentally moving too close. If smoke is bad out hares may substitute being present at any beer area with the mark BQ which will indicate you should search around for the hidden beer stash.

Last updated over 3 years ago.