SFH3 Run #2011
FB's Half Century
Monday, December 7, 2020, 5:00 pm
: Glen Park, corner of Arlington & Roanoke
: Fuck Buddy

Staircases!  Views!  Hills!  FLOUR!  This trail has it all.  

Trail will be set by 4:30 pm.  Then the hare will go home and enjoy a beer from her living room.  You should do the same!  

-- Update from mismanagement--

Current restrictions in SF ban all outside gatherings with people outside your household. Running groups are also banned. Within the context of these rules, following a hash trail alone is permitted unless we (as in individual hashers) choose to go against the guidelines. As of now, we are continuing setting trails, with no stops for beer, and no gathering on trail or at the start/finish. Long story short, we've never acted like a running group, why start now?

Last updated over 3 years ago.