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FHAC-U Run #424
esCooter Hash 2021- Death Race Edition!
Thursday, March 11, 2021, 6:15 pm
: 37.3365116780321, -121.893500803332
: Today is Monday
Parking should be free, but all the local bars validate with purchase. Helmets required if your name is Whorebraham Lincoln.

Lime day-passes are available for $16.


Meet on the top floor of the San Pedro Square parking structure, or the highest accessible floor and look for hashers. Arrive at around 6:15, or earlier, to drink a beer(s) and find your preferred chariot, pack rides off at 6:45p. Trail length will be about 7.5 miles for those feeling fast enough to keep up with us on foot (I can provide our three BC and FC locations to the runners). There will be no marks so whistles are encouraged. Money and ID REQUIRED. Please also bring 2+ beers for BYOB BC's. There will be food!

Last updated 3 months ago.