SFH3 Run #2016
Monday, January 11, 2021, 6:15 pm
: Duboce Park
: Do Her Well

Many of you know that one of our group passed away last week. This is a great loss to us at a terrible time. I ask first and foremost that everyone respect the family. If you need further information, you can check the hash mailing list, but please give space for processing.

This is a difficult trail. To our hash newcomers, we are a close-knit crew. We have lost loved ones before, and our inclination is to come together at those moments. It breaks my heart that we cannot do so. We are going to run this trail as we have our past socially distanced trails due to the current COVID restrictions-- no gathering. Someone has volunteered to oversee a posterboard at the start of trail (from 4-7 PM) to be delivered to the departed hasher's family, and if you feel so inclined, you may write a note. Again, I have to ask you guys to be respectful of the safety of our volunteer-- be brief and don't linger.

We will have the usual Zoom meeting at 8PM which will be posted on our facebook group.


Do Her Well

Last updated over 3 years ago.