SFH3 Run #2022
Monday, February 22, 2021, 6:15 pm
: Kezar Stadium
: Kezar Pub
Being on this day, the twenty-second day of February, on the Year of Our Lord (Pearl) Twenty Twenty One, your hare-raiser has declared that she as a being of sound mind and present body, shall establish a route of no less than one mile and no greater than sixty nine. Should parties wish to partake of said route through appropriate identification of small deposits of ground grain, they likely will be able to do so after approximately two hours post meridian, and should avail themselves to the vicinity of Willard Street and Frederick Street, to the locale formerly (and presently) known as Kezar Stadium.
After having thoroughly cursed their hare's health and happiness with a soundness that would scientifically prove that any heavenly deity in the vicinity truly does not give a shit, participants may relocate themselves to the destination known as the Kezar Pub, though only after four hours following the sun's zenith, else no wares shall be available for purchase.
Finally, should there be need of further, personal castigation of said hare, it is probable, though not guaranteed, that she will be present within a small viewing screen upon your computer should you click the link posted in the Facebook event approximately two hours after the sun descends below the horizon.
If this is displeasing to any of you, direct your ire in an email to your hareraiser indicating the date that you will be responsible for an unclaimed trail.

Last updated over 3 years ago.