SFH3 Run #2046
Winterest Ever Summer Hash-Olympics Finale
Monday, August 9, 2021, 6:15 pm
: Milton Marks /Richmond Branch Library; 9th Ave. @ Clement
: Backwash; Cheese Turd
: Pabst Blue Ribbon
: The Bitter End -- 441 Clement Str. @ 6th Ave.
: Steins -- 731 Clement Str. @ 9th Ave.

Milton Marks / Richmond Dist. Branch SF Public Library ... 345 9th Avenue, SF, CA 94118, USA. 

Meet on 9th Ave. side of library (between Clement & Geary).  Bus routes #38, #2, and #1 will get your there from the east or the west.   Street parking on Geary is usually OK after 6PM.


Expect fog, wind, cold, and generally miserable weather to frost your bits and make you understand the coldest winter Olympics you've never been to could be this sh*tty summer trail.

To make the most of this sh*tty trail, be sure to pre-lube with a half liter of German lager and two bratwursts with sauerkraut at Steins.  So pre-lubed, you shall be certain to blaze through trail like an East German Olympian of yore. (Deutsche Demokratische Republik style armpit hair is recommended -- for warmth from the fog, of course.  But it is totally optional.)


Last updated about 3 years ago.