FCH3 Run
Fog City Pub Crawl AND East Bay H3 Run
Sunday, May 30, 2021, 11:00 am
: Pork Store
: Unknown

Two trails diverged in a narrow bay, and I--

I took the one I first ran by,

And bitched about the difference.


Here is the deal, East Bay Hash House Harriers is setting their regularly scheduled Sunday Hash at 1 PM at Point Pinole (see here for more info). Shiggy? Yes. R*nning? Yes. Drinking? Yes.

Meanwhile, the soggy remains of Saturday's Fog City debacle (said with all kindness) is washing up to Pork Store at 16th and Valencia at 11AM to kick off a pub crawl in the Mission, suggested attire being hash-typical booty shorts, feather boas, onesies, glitter, leather, vinyl, latex, and lace (all of the above at once, if you dare).

Pick your poison.

Last updated 12 months ago.