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Agnews Run #1305
Agnews Revival: Drinking Club With A Real Bad Running Problem
Thursday, November 30, 2017, 6:30 pm
: 37.3834517544076, -121.997860225383
: Nothing Interesting, Drink 'n Squirt
Awaiting official Sports Basement sponsorship, but for now, we'll be meeting in the back of the Sports Basement Parking Lot in Sunnyvale, Corner of Lawrence Expy and Kern Ave. Look for the Hashers by the Picnic Table in the back corner.
For the last few years, we've been doing weekly running trails under the "FHAgnews" name. It would be up to the Hare each week whether or not the trail would be a "FHAC-U" (Short, food on trail, lots of beer) or an "Agnews" Longer trail, less beer, less chance of food. And this worked well enough. However in the interest of bringing back numbers the FHAgnews is now splitting back into two separate bi-weekly hashes that happen on alternate Thursdays.

This trail is the first of the new Agnews, and there will be a few changes:

1. In order to increase our ability to recruit, this trail will be as "PC" as the Hash can be. Please feel welcome to invite your co-workers, family, and even bring your younger children on trail (if you think they can make the distance). For the "Old School" Hashers, this means please be respectful to all those present and save the stuff that you wouldn't feel comfortable doing in front of the Human Resources office at work for the FHAC-U.

2. In order to have a broader appeal we will be pitching (and dumping some advertising $$$) this trail and other Agnews trails to runners, fun runners, and running clubs. As such the hares will try and offer both a 5k Turkey and 10k Eagle option to appeal to a wide variety of runners (See how I didn't call them racists? That's rule number 1)

Specifically Nothing Interesting will be running a pretty big recruitment campaign on Facebook for this trail in particular (November 30th). Please make an effort to attend, and help keep hasher culture alive by helping to bring in a new generation of hashers to the fold.

On a side note, this doesn't mean the death of hasher culture, the FHAC-U will continue to be a "Traditional" hash. Ideally if we have success bringing up the numbers at the Agnews using this new format we can encourage the less "modern" to join us on FHAC-U days :)

Last updated 3 months ago.