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Agnews Run #451
Tour De Mansion
Thursday, September 30, 2021, 6:30 pm
: 37.3495216321062, -122.124300375944
: Dual Tools
Park on the street at Laura Ct. Mind the "No Parking 7pm-7am" signs in the turnaround area.
Dual Tools will guide you through a leisurely loop of his old neighborhood. You will ooh and ahh and oh-oh-oh when you see the beautiful mountain vistas at sunset and humble, yet comfortable 4 to 24 million dollar residences.

* There will be Eagle (5.69mi) and Turkey (3.69mi) trail variants.
* Hare off promptly at 6:30. The hare will head out ~20 minutes ahead of the pack, since he is live-haring both the Turkey and Eagle.
* I might provide some beer along the way.
* Bring a headlamp/lights. It will get dark toward the end of trail.
* Mostly dog & jogger friendly (the Eagle may or may not enter an Open Space preserve briefly, so plan accordingly)
* Don't feed the cougars.

Last updated 3 months ago.