EBH3 Run #1042
Sunday, October 3, 2021, 1:00 pm
: Donlon Point Staging Area
: Dick First Ass Up
Beer ye, beer ye! It’s time for the first EBH3 trail of Fall ‘21, which means every beverage on trail is going to be pumpkin spice flavored. Also…
TRAIL START: Donlon Pt Staging Area in Dublin. Live hare will be off around 1, pack off by 1:30. The parking lot there is scheduled to close at 5:30 (not 4:30 as Google Maps will tell you), but if you think you might still be out on trail near that time, just park on the side of the next street, Marshall Canyon Rd.
EAGLE: True trail will be 5-6 miles and just under 1000 ft of elevation. Probably one beer check.
TURKEY: Do we still have turkeys in the East Bay? If you want a turkey trail of ~3.69 miles (but still similar elevation), reply to my comment below. If there are <6.9 turkeys, I’ll probably just tell y’all which way to go and then mark only the split and rejoin; otherwise I’ll dead lay a turkey trail. In either case, turkey trail will likely be BYOB if you want one during trail!
TRAIL HAZARDS: Decently grippy trail shoes are recommended because of elevation, some loose dirt paths, and a few steep edges! No PO unless you go looking for it.
SMALLER CREATURES: Dogs are ok on leash. Ramrod can maybe make a stroller work; not super recommended for anyone else (see comment about trail shoes above).
ALCOHOL: Not technically allowed at the staging area. I don’t know how strict they are there, so vessel jackets are recommended and/or we might need to go out of the parking lot and across the street before trail and for circle.
ON AFTER: Probably INC 82 or Three Sheets

Last updated over 2 years ago.