EBH3 Run #1052
Sunday, February 20, 2022, 1:00 pm
: Roberts Regional Recreation Area
: Tonya Hard-on & Worst Bottom Ever
Felling down lately? Feeling low? Are you in need of some "positive" energy this cumming Sunday? Well cum on out to the Tonya & WBE Trail Sunday 02/20 and we'll fill you with all the good vibes that you can take. We promise there will be enough BDE for everyone to go around and you'll leave with a smile. What to expect.....ya know...the usual....a shitty trail that will be flat and no more than 2 miles and one beer to share between all of you...
Trail will be very dog friendly, for the most part stroller friendly and ALL dirt! So bring your trail shoes suckas!
There will be one, VERY likely 2!! ha..ha..ha..beer checks for both T & E.
A couple things about the start; it is at Roberts Pool/Madrone Picnic area. Parking is 5 dollars to make you holla so car pool with those you feel safe to ride with. You could park on the street but you will end up walking a ways to the start as there is no shortage of "no parking" signs close the entrance of the start. If you happen to be a vet or a fed employee you can park for free...it worked for me...soooo....
This place is pretty popular so give your self time to get there and find a place to park. 1300 show for a 1330 go.
Don't forget to bring virgins, masks, (if so inclined..and totally cool!) rubbers and anything else you feel you'll need to be safe.

Last updated over 2 years ago.