EBH3 Run #1056
Sunday, April 17, 2022, 1:00 pm
: Pass Easter Over Ramadan-a-Ding Dong HASH
: Got Wood
Hey, Wankers! It's Abraham's Trifecta!
Got Wood will shepherd his pious flock of Hashers throughout the wilderness of Garin Park. The Hare will have eggs, gefilte fish, and a proper picnic orgy at the end. There will be Hash Commandments and a Burning Bush, (told her to use lubricant)!
How much will this cost you? If you have to ask, then you probably can't afford it.
1 o'clock arrival.
Pack off 2,069 seconds later.
Eagle 7.69 miles - Turkey 4.69 miles and Walkers 69 the whole way.
Dogs OK!
Strollers OK, but only if operated by Ramrod.
Poison Oak? Oh! Yeah!
Beer and Beverages? Check! BVN
Bring an extra $5 for the gate if the Kiosk is occupied. See less

Last updated over 2 years ago.