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SVH3 Run #4202019
Saturday, April 28, 2018, 1:00 pm
: 37.5851968, -122.3652443
: Douche of Hazzard, Drink 'n Squirt
Sat, April 28, 1pm, Behan’s Bar @ 1327 Broadway in Burlingame
Food, Beer, Pub Stops, Jell-o Shots, and Surprise Giveaway!
Hares are Douche and Fisty
Charity is Second Harvest Food Bank

PayPal payment -

signup -

Please follow directions below, you half-minds….
Just $25 in advance. $30 at the door.
First – Click on link above which will take you to PayPal, and note Hash Name and RDR. You will be making payment to Russel Martin aka CIAB.
Next – Please also enter your info on the signup form for food preferences.
Got it? OnOn!

Last updated 3 months ago.