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SVH3 Run #4202022
Princess Rainbow Sparkle’s Half Assed Anti-Worm Hash - Legally Bald, Princess Rainbow Sparkle, Half Assed, and Ball Buster
Saturday, June 9, 2018, 3:00 pm
: 37.342233, -122.106807
: Worm
Find 280. Find Magdalena. You can figure it out from there. Please park responsibly on the street and use your engineering skills to maximize use of the driveway.
Worm is not haring!!!! Just posting to DC.

For those of you still scratching from Worm's LeXXXXXington trail 10 days ago, this hash is for you! A turkey and an eagle trail with great views, some shade, a lemonade check, and no scrambling on your tummy through the bowels of hell (unless you are Worm, in which case, there is a special Worm trail filled with all the PO your heart desires). Strollers ok. Trail is not dog friendly, but the hares’ house is so you're welcome to bring your pooches for the circle.

Someone else can figure out the on-after ...

My co-hares have named themselves:
Princess Rainbow Sparkle = Avery
Half Assed = Josh (yes, the skin on his left tushy cheek has finally grown back after falling off the deer trail with E= MCF at Lexington)
Ball Buster = Nick

Last updated 3 months ago.