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SVH3 Run #966
Gunga's Anal Hash
Saturday, November 15, 2014, 3:00 pm
: 1899 Park Blvd, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA
: Unknown
Here comes Gunga's annual Hash...

It is time to visit Stanford University or Stanford Shopping center or Down Town Palo Alto

Who Knows!!! Gunga May Know!! Remember Bring your flash lights...FLASH LIGHTS.....

it is going to be short and simple...Every one will be back to ononon by dinner time ( Indian time)
Change of Start Point::

Date : November 15, 2014
Time : 3:00pm or 15:00 hours (for wot folks who count time in 24hr.. )
Starting at Peers park, on Park Blvd in Palo Alto,

oNoNoN :: Indian restaurant in Palo Alto... ( have not decided which one)

Hared by: Dammit Janet, gunga dick

Last updated over 2 years ago.