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SVH3 Run #986
Silicone Valley H3 - Douche of Hazzard's Anal Caltrain Pubcrawl
Saturday, August 22, 2015, 11:50 am
: 37.776439, -122.394323
: Unknown
It's time for Douche of Hazzard's anal Caltrain pub crawl, a joint production between the Fully Mooned H3 and Silicone Valley H3.

This year we're starting from the San Francisco 4th and King station. The hare will be at The Creamery 685 4th St for brunch starting at 9:30am

What's a Caltrain pub crawl? We'll take the train from SF to San Mateo, disembark, and have a drink at a nearby bar. By the time we're done the next southbound train will be arriving. We'll hop on that and disembark at the next city, find a bar, drink, repeat. Bring your flasks, because drinking is allowed on the Caltrain! And if we get a bit rowdy, they can't kick us off because we'll be getting off at the next stop ;)

Hared by: Douche of Hazzard
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Last updated over 2 years ago.