EBH3 Run #1065
Collaboration Hash with SFH3
Sunday, August 21, 2022, 1:00 pm
: San Geronimo Golf Course
: Hand Pump & Princess Slut

San Geronimo Golf Course

EBH3 Goes to Marin because SFH3 Turns 40! What? Why? Cum Masterbate the Birthday of the SFH3 which was born on 8-21-1982 not far from this Marin location. Where were you? Better cum up with a good excuse! There will be cake and beer and more beer and at no cost to YOU! Yes, its free! Car Pool across the Richmond Bridge to Sir Francis Drake Boulevard and keep going another 10 miles. Walker trail: 2.69 miles Turkey: 5.69 and Eagle 7.69 Dog friendly, but bring a leash just in case. Tough on strollers, but baby back packs would work!
Hare and Harriet: Handpump and Princess Slut See less

Last updated over 1 year ago.