EBH3 Run #1073
Blue Dress Run
Sunday, December 11, 2022, 1:00 pm
: memorial park
: Back Ho

Placeholder for the Blue Dress run. Wear blue. Cum stains will be provided.
Backhoe is taking you back to a time where hoes were unapologetically hoes.
Weather permitting:
Mixed urban and *dirt* trail with mini Deenas*.
Plenty of beer checks.
Turkey: probably 3.69
Eagle: Probably 5.69 (Note: our usual East Bay Hashes tend to be a little longer, but I'm only able to walk for now, so if someone wants to do more eagle, feel free to co-hare)
Drinking games with spinning tops!
Latkes and cream filled donuts.
All for the low low price of $20 (because it's mostly for charity).
Donations will go to the Brigid Alliance with possibility to match.

Last updated over 1 year ago.