Marin H3 Run #253
Marin 22 (tutu) Hash party chez Rev Itchy Stick in Sonoma
Saturday, April 22, 2023, 1:00 pm
: 18000 Old Winery Road Sonoma
: Dr K and Rev Itchy Stick (RHIgSyA8c3BhbiBkYXRhLWNvbnRyb2xsZXI9Im9iZnVzYyI+UEdFZ2FISmxaajBpYldGcGJIUnZPaVV5TlRJNFltVnlibk11ZEc5dFFHZHRZV2xzTG1OdmJTSStLR0psY201ekxuUnZiVUJuYldGcGJDNWpiMjA4TDJFKzwvc3Bhbj4sIDxhIGhyZWY9InRlbDo0MTU0NjQ3NTA5Ij4oNDE1KSA0NjQtNzUwOSk8L2E+)
: 78 °F / 26 °C, clear, gentle breeze.
: $10: $5 run/beer + $5 bbq
: Itchy Stick’s palace with hot tub and pool and dancing girls/boys/sundry others
: It's Rev Itchy's birthday
NOT Castle Road! Park in the gravel Buena Vista Winery parking lot on the right, don't loiter or gather there but instead walk back 30 yards  or so to the white gated Bartholomew Park back entrance ... note: the run start is NOT at Rev Itchy's and NOT on Castle Road. Overachievers (you know who you are) can run or bike to the start from Itchy Acres for an extra five flat miles to warm up for the hilly trail. Dogs on leash OK, not stroller friendly, no P.O.
on on on at Itchy Acres - 22780 Burndale Road, Sonoma 95476 ... use the link below

This is the Marin hash founder, Rev Itchy's bday - it's a Tutu run (it's on the 22nd) so bring your best tutu! 

Please respond to the event so we can get a head count.
NB: run start is NOT at Rev Itchy's
BBQ, beer, swimming ?‍♀️ pool, hot tub, bocce and the Fist ? of Steel, all for just $10 .... like bring cash!
BYO swimsuit and towel.

Last updated over 1 year ago.