SFH3 Run #2138
Tiara R*n
Monday, May 1, 2023, 6:15 pm
: Lafayette Park across from Spreckles Mansion
: Douche of Hazzard, Just Get It Over With, & Hand Pump
: 51 °F / 11 °C, partially cloudy, fresh breeze.
: $7
: Same as last week
: Route 101
: The Cinch
: Do Her Well

Whether you are the Queen of the May, a pretty pretty princess, a blushing bride, or a beautiful ballerina, it's time to dust off those tiaras and get on your fab gear: Tiara Hash has returned to SF! Drink check, beer check, and treats, oh my!

Best homemade tiara gets a yummy prize. Those without tiaras get downdowns. Hares will have generic tiaras for $1 if you need.

Trail is short and flat, because SF is not hilly and Pacific Heights is just a movie. 

Last updated over 1 year ago.